I’m participating in a program right now called Unique Genius. Aaron, the creator of the program just sent me an email about his girlfriends close friend who just passed.
His girlfriend luckily got a chance to say goodbye and hear some of his parting words:
“All you have are the memories and experiences and love….”
It’s a powerful message to make us realize how fragile life really is. This is typically how I respond when doubt starts to creep into my mind. When that “voice” starts telling me to follow the routine and forget about my dreams. When that voice appears, I kick it’s ass by asking myself “What will I like to remember when I’m lying on my death bed?”
It’s a powerful thing to ask yourself. A powerful thing to confront yourself with and really think about. Will you be happy that you stuck it out in a job you hated just for money? Or that you let that dream slip because you were to scared to try? Or just that you simply didn’t show enough love to the people who loved you. Were all going to die someday and I want to know in myself that I tried everything I could to work at something I enjoy. To love the ones who love me. To help people. To help the world.
That’s really all that matters in the end. The memories, the experience, and the love.
Try not to let “crap” get in the way of these things. Try to reconnect daily with what’s important, the love of yourself and the love of others. Create awesome relationships and create amazing experiences and adventures that you will remember forever.
Who is someone you could email, call or write to express how much you appreciate them, have learned from them or love them?
I hope you all felt a little heart warmed by this post. I did when I read the email and so I thought I would share it. Have a good night 🙂
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My Grandma passed several months ago and as I wrote her obituary and realized all the great things she had done with her life, how she took risks, how she didn’t let people paint her into a box, how she was happy; I realized that she was out there living her dreams on her own terms. I knew that I needed to do the same and that’s exactly what I am starting to do. Great reminder that we only have today to get things done and to connect with loved ones. Tomorrow is never guaranteed.
Wow, that must be a hard thing to do. My grandma passed away a few months ago as well. All of them are gone now. The hardest death I remember was my brother-in-law who died at 27 in a car accident. It’s amazing how quickly things can change. One morning your here, the next your not. Make today count. 🙂
I really like what you just said: “Make today count.” So simple and yet most of us don’t. We’re too busy complaining about our lives and dreaming about the future. We gotta live and experience what we feel in the moment. The death of my grandma definitely played a large role in our decision to begin this sabbatical and head overseas.
That’s really great that you can make a positive experience out of a negative one. She would be proud. I find I have to try and tell myself “Make today count” daily as it’s easy to forget. Sometimes I get caught up in stupid things that seem important at the time and I realize later “Is this really how I would want my last day to be”?. It’s hard to do all the time but practice makes perfect. I read a quote once from Steve Jobs that sums it up pretty good as well. It was something like this. “Every morning I wake up and look in the mirror and ask myself Is this what I want to do on the last day of my life and if the answer is no to many times, I know it’s time for a change 🙂
Thanks so much for passing this on Matt!
No problem Aaron. It’s nice to see so many people resonating with it 🙂
If you want to live forever, you can do so as the memories of your deeds and how you treat people when you are alive. Did you make a difference?
“All you have are the memories and experiences and love….”
That’s a good point Gary. A strong point to make to truly make a difference and treat people with respect 🙂